Saturday, December 6, 2008


im in pain.
it's really funny how pain makes us aware of alot of things that we don't even bother to look at when we're happy with our own little world. pain makes us appreciate the good things in this life, the minute things that we don't even bother to look at 'coz we're to pre-occupied with our "own vanity" that we get too insensitive at the little things that we're supposed to value. we are too absorbed with our own shit that we think that we're such a victim when somebody else out there is loosing some limbs and somebody out there is positive enough to think about life despite the cancer that's eating them insid out-physically and emotionally. so here's my point. pain brings out the best in us. best in the sense that we get to see reality first-hand and we try to fight it immaturely at times but then we learn from it(hopefully!!) whether we like it or not. we must know that whether what pain that we are going through it's really up to us if we move on, or not. of course we know what's the best choice, but then again the best choices is always the hardest thing to do. it's always easy to be easy! hahah fuck this line but it's true. it's always easy not to face things, not to face reality. 'coz it's always easy to be HAPPY...temporarily. now if you get me, it's really up to us if we choose temporary bliss or a lifetime of happiness. if we choose the hard part we get all the reward(s) in the end and that's far more greater than the temporary happiness that we get with those people who don't appreciate us. so think, but not too much. just learn from our mistakes and try to be the best of who we are with those people who appreciate's the litul things that we do. carpe diem!! =)
godspeed to us all.

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